CS Wiki | Cedric Schwyter

Formulary & Course Materials

Formulary & Course Materials

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HS21 - 252-0025-01L - Discrete Mathematics

Mathematical Reasoning, Proofs, and a First Approach to Logic

Sets, Relations, and Functions

Number Theory



Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement

RSA Public-Key Encryption

Lagrange Interpolation of Polynomials

Error-Correcting Codes

Linear-Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) (TODO)

Extended Euclidean Algorithm (TODO)

HS21 - 252-0026-00L - Algorithms and Datastructures

Big-O-/Asymptotic-Notation, Landau-Symbols

Data Structures and Abstract Data Types (TODO)

Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms



Multiplication (Integer & Matrix Multiplication)

Dynamic Programming


Shortest Paths

Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs)

Selection Problem (TODO)

Combinatorics (TODO)

HS21 - 252-0027-00L - Introduction to Programming

Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)-Descriptions


HS21 - 401-0131-00L - Linear Algebra

Complex Numbers (TODO)

Linear Systems, Gaussian Elimination (TODO)

Matrices and Vectors (TODO)

Vectorspaces, Subspaces, Basis (TODO)

Linear Transformations (TODO)

Orthogonal/Unitary Transformations (TODO)

Linear Least Squares (TODO)

FS22 - 252-0028-00L - Digital Design and Computer Architecture


Combinational Logic

Sequential Logic

Hardware Description Languages

Digital Building Blocks



Memory Systems (TODO)

FS22 - 252-0029-00L - Parallel Programming


JVM Overview

Java Recap (in light of concurrency)

Threads and Synchronization

Parallel Architectures (TODO)

Basic Concepts in Parallelism (TODO)

Divide-and-Conquer, Cilk-Style Bounds (TODO)

ForkJoin Framwork - Shared Memory Concurrency, Locks, Data Races (TODO)

Locks using Atomic Registers (TODO)

Spinlocks, Deadlocks, Semaphores (TODO)

Barrier, Producer-/Consumer, Monitors (TODO)

Readers/Writers Lock, Lock Granularity: Coarse Grained, Fine Grained, Optimal and Lazy Synchronization (TODO)

Without Locks (TODO)

ABA Problem, Concurrency Theory (TODO)

Sequential Consistency, Consensus, Transactional Memory, Message Passing (TODO)

Consensus Proof and Reductions (TODO)

Parallel Sorting (TODO)

FS22 - 252-0030-00L - Algorithms and Probability

Graphs (TODO)

Probability Theory

Randomized Algorithms

Sorting and Selecting (TODO)

Primality Test (TODO)

Target-Shooting (TODO)

Finding Duplicates (TODO)

Flows and Cuts (TODO)

Geometric Algorithms (TODO)

Hamiltonian Cycle in a Hypercube: Gray-Code

Coupon-Collector Problem

FS22 - 401-0212-16L - Analysis I

Real Numbers, Euclidean Domains, Complex Numbers

Sequences and Series

Continuous Functions

Differentiable Functions

Powerseries and Taylor-Approximations (TODO)

Cauchy-Product of the Exponential Function

HS22 - 252-0057-00L - Theoretical Computer Science

HS22 - 252-0061-00L - Systems Programming and Computer Architecture

HS22 - 401-0213-16L - Analysis II

HS22 - 401-0663-00L - Numerical Methods for Computer Science

HS22 - 651-4241-00L - Numerical Modeling I and II: Theory and Applications

FS23 - 252-0058-00L - Formal Methods and Functional Programming

FS23 - 252-0063-00L - Data Modelling and Databases

FS23 - 252-0064-00L - Computer Networks

FS23 - 401-0614-00L - Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik


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